Effects of Dental Trauma and Benefit of Dental Implants

Dental implants in Chandler are fixed into your jawbone without altering your nearby healthy teeth:

Dental trauma is basically an injury caused to the teeth that can result in several problems. It may injure the teeth supporting structures by tearing the soft tissues, causing teeth fracture, and more.

In these cases, your teeth may be loosened, displaced, broken or knocked out resulting in a lot of pain, as well as, discomfort. The effects of tooth loss may end up in improper speech and chewing efficiency. The smile and appearance of the victim may also have a significant impact leading to stress and decreased self-esteem. Acquiring dental implants in Mesa is always an option to consider.

Tooth loss occurs due to various reasons but not exclusively due to:

Physical accidents

While most cases of tooth trauma are due to accidents, it is not the only reason. Even poor lifestyle choices of an individual such as clenching or tooth grinding can lead to fractures and even grind down your teeth and put a great deal of force on them which will eventually result in tooth loss.

Not necessarily a fracture

There are teeth injuries which may not always end up in physical fracture as these might not even be visible to a naked eye. If you find sensitivity while eating or drinking something cold or hot or you find difficulty while chewing then it might be a fracture.

Depending on the level of your teeth injury, the teeth can either cause pain while chewing or may turn unstable. Teeth can also be displaced from their position and look shorter or longer than their normal size. In some cases, teeth can be entirely knocked out as a result of trauma.

Save your teeth with an immediate treatment – Dental implants in Chandler

A professional dentist will determine the effects of the teeth trauma and will suggest to you the appropriate treatment depending upon various factors which are:

  • Is the trauma acute like a physical accident or chronic due to bad habits such as smoking or grinding of the teeth?
  • Does it include only the teeth or also its supporting structures?
  • Does it involve only a single tooth or multiple teeth?
  • Is the fracture superficial or deep?

The ideal dental solutions for every tooth problem

If your tooth fracture is superficial, then you simply require a cosmetic restoration. In case it is deep then you may have to undergo a root canal treatment and then a crown or cap.

If your tooth has been displaced then it can be stabilized for some weeks in order to relieve you from pain and improved eating efficiency.

If your tooth has been displaced in the jawbone then you may require repositioning of teeth with orthodontic surgery.

When your single tooth, multiple teeth or all of your thirty-something teeth are lost due to any reason including tooth decay, gum disease, sports injury or bad lifestyle choice dental implants in Mesa are recommended.


Dental Implants – Instant Solution to Replace Missing Teeth

GettingDental implants in Chandler involves fixing them into your jawbone without altering your nearby healthy teeth. These treatments do not cause much pain and the implants look, feel and function much like natural teeth. Regardless of the type of dental problem you may have, you can get your missing teeth replaced on the very day of your visit. What you will receive in the end is a new set of white, secure, long-lasting teeth.



A Brief Introduction to Dental Implants


Made with titanium, teeth implants are fixed in the upper and in the lower of the mouth of the patient. These are placed without altering the adjacent healthy teeth ensuring the good oral health of the 32 teeth.

What are dental implants?

Teeth Implants are typically ‘anchors’ which look like screws or cylinders. These artificial teeth are the ideal replacements for people who have lost teeth owing to several reasons such as a chronic illness, accidental injury, poor lifestyle choices, tooth decay or gum disease.

People with missing teeth generally switch to traditional alternatives such as dentures and bridges however, with these they lose the ability to chew foods, smile or speak. With implants, you can chew food items of your choice, smile confidently without any fear of embarrassment and speak in social gatherings.

Made with titanium, teeth implants are fixed in the upper and in the lower of the mouth of the patient. These are placed without altering the adjacent healthy teeth ensuring the good oral health of the 32 teeth.

Dental implants in Mesa are designed to provide long-lasting results. According to medical researches, many people have been benefited with implant treatments and they do not find any complications in chewing their food items. As implants look and feel like natural teeth, these enhance the overall visual features of a person restoring his or her natural charm.

Factors responsible for the long-term success of dental implant procedures

There are various factors that determine the long-term success of dental implants including the quality of the jawbone, experience of the dental specialist and quality of the implant itself.

When the quality of bone is better, an implant treatment has a greater chance of success. If the experience of the dentists is rich, the implant procedure can indeed be long-lasting.

If there is any manufacturing defect in the crowns or implants, then even the most successful dental implants may have a failure.

How many times you need to get your implants examined?

The success of any dental implant procedure is basically dependent upon on how you care for them after the treatment on a regular basis. As implants look and function like real teeth, these require the same maintenance such as daily brushing and flossing.

Along with daily brushing and flossing, you must get your new teeth cleaned professionally by your family hygienist and also get them tested by your dentist specialist on a periodic basis. Taking good care of your original teeth will help you avoid having to go for teeth implants down the road.


You can get back into your normal life soon after the implant surgery which is not at all painful. For instance, you can go back to your office, start eating your favorite foods, start going for dance classes, and carry on with your sports and more, unless there is any kind of pain in the implants; in which case you should just rest until you feel better.

After the implant treatment, you can find:

  • Restored smile and confidence
  • Enhanced overall appearance
  • Enhanced comfort level
  • Improved speech
  • Enhanced efficiency to chew foods
  • Enhanced overall facial features
  • Enhanced quality of life

If you are suffering from tooth loss for a long period of time, considering dental implants in Mesa is an advisable solution to revamp your life.