Tooth Implants: Filling in the Missing Teeth

This article will describe all of the negative impacts that having a missing tooth can cause and how a dental implant can fix these problems.

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Having a missing tooth isn’t just a strike against your appearance but also towards your oral health as a whole. There are many different medical reasons to get a missing tooth replaced with a tooth implant.

Some people know all about a full mouth implant such as the all-on-4 surgery, but it is also possible to replace a single tooth.

Why Should You Replace Your Tooth?

Before heading off to their Sun City dentist most people want to know if a dental implant is worth their time. Food intake is one of the first big reasons. Chewing efficiency declines without all of the teeth present to help chew. Food will begin to accumulate in the empty space and can become difficult to keep clean.

If food and plaque begin to build up it increases the risk for periodontal disease. Periodontal or gum disease is how you end up losing all of your other teeth to tooth decay.

Each tooth is responsible for different parts of the facial structure and how everything functions. When a tooth is missing the adjacent teeth will shift to fill the space. A tooth will grow until it reaches the other tooth above it.

Without a tooth above it a tooth can over-erupt and cause structural problems for that part of the jaw as well as create a food trap between the teeth next to it that it has been pulling away from.

If the teeth don’t shift than the cheeks and lips usually will, but it depends on which tooth is lost. If a molar, back tooth, is lost than it can even cause extra wrinkling in the face and other deformities.

Tooth Implant

Ideally the missing tooth should be replaced immediately to prevent all of these consequences. A dental implant is the most permanent and cost effective solution to tooth loss.

An implant will be placed directly into the jaw bone to be used as an anchor. This part acts as the root of a natural tooth would to hold everything in place. Once that part has healed and becomes imbedded into the jaw bone the abutment is officially attached.

The abutment is just the connecting piece to hold the porcelain cap on top. With all of these pieces it will act just like a natural tooth would. The bone loss will subside and the other teeth won’t shift at all.

This implant can be cared for as a natural tooth would. There are no food restrictions and you can basically get back to your normal life. And of course smiling will be one of your favorite things to do again.

All on 4 Step by Step

This article will describe the All on 4 procedure step by step.



Having a beautiful set of teeth is something that almost everyone wants. With the All on 4 procedure people with missing teeth can restore that sparkling smile. All on 4 is a type of dental implant surgery that is less invasive than previous implants.




The All on 4 procedure has become the best solution to restoring full arches to the upper and lower jaws. This can sound intimidating and as though it requires a lot of work, however that isn’t the case.


It is called All on 4 because only four implants are needed to secure both sets of arches into the jaw. Two implants are on the top and two on the bottom.


Most people who are turned down for other implants wouldn’t have enough jaw bone left after bone grafting. All on 4 doesn’t require bone grafting the majority of the time. This is great news for everyone who has ever been denied.


The Build Up


The first step towards receiving your new teeth is a consultation and diagnostic appointment with the dentist so he can fully evaluate your particular case. X-rays and photos will be taken and the dentist will decide whether there needs to be any extractions first.


Impressions will be needed to create the arches for the top and bottom jaw. After this appointment you will be scheduled for implant surgery where the replacement teeth will be fitted and adjusted.


Surgery Day


On surgery day four titanium implants will be placed into the jaw bone so it can integrate with the bone and secure itself. The back implants are angled for a deeper hold making these implants as firm as a natural set of teeth.


After the implants are secure the abutments are fastened in to and attach to the arches of, usually, porcelain teeth. You will walk out with a full set of beautiful teeth that day!




At first frequent checkups are required just to ensure that the gums have healed properly. Once the dentist feels that they have healed fine than the usual twice a year appointments are all that is needed.


Your new set of teeth will act just like your natural ones. They still need to be brushed, flossed, and taken care of like a natural set. Other than that there isn’t any extra maintenance. If you take care of your new smile it can last a lifetime.

Sun City Dentist: Mouthwash, a double edged sword

Mouthwash has pros and cons just like everything, but most people don’t consider all of the possibilities. This article will point out all the benefits and risks associated with mouthwash.

Every now and again we sleep in late or miss our alarms and that makes for a fast paced morning to rush to work, school or wherever else we have to go. Some people will cut corners by rinsing with mouthwash instead of properly brushing their teeth. But what happens when the minty effects wear off.

Cover Up

Mouthwash is great for many different things however it is not designed to replace flossing. For instance, swishing mouthwash instead of brushing is like using gum after eating something with onions. The smell is masked at first but once it wears off you’re no better off than before.

Proper mouthwash technique is to be used in conjunction with a brushing and flossing routine. It is also necessary to visit your Sun City dentist at least twice a year. This will allow for the best results.

Fighting Bacteria

Not all mouthwashes have the same ingredients and they tend to focus on different problems within the oral health category. There are three main types of mouthwashes; salt water, fluoride, and alcohol based.

Saltwater rinses are very simple to make at home with table salt and warm water. Most people will use these when it is dentist recommended after surgery or other oral problems.

Alcohol or Listerine based rinses are best for fighting off bacteria that can develop into periodontal disease. Periodontal disease creates rapid tooth decay and a need for dental implants. If you have a higher risk for periodontal disease, than Listerine mouthwash is the best choice.

High fluoride rinses are the best solution for people who tend to get a lot of cavities. Dentists use fluoride during their appointments to get the plaque that brushing can’t. However their fluoride content is much higher than any mouthwash will be.

The Negatives

One con that was mentioned earlier is that it only masks the bad breath. This is not a solution to all of your oral health problems it is merely another avenue to help.

Some people will also use mouthwash to sooth their canker sores. This can help as long as the alcohol content isn’t too high.  With a higher dose of alcohol it will actually irritate the sore more so it is important to choose carefully.

Another speculation is that mouthwash use can be linked to oral cancer. Many different studies have been done to try and prove this hypothesis but nothing has been concrete.

There are certain brands with the American Dental Association’s (ADA) seal of approval on them that undergo extensive tests to ensure safety. So if you are concerned about the possibility of increasing your oral cancer risk there are approved mouthwashes for you.

Overall mouthwash cannot be substituted for good oral hygiene. They are simply used to enhance your oral health.

How to keep your teeth strong and beautiful forever?

Despite following good oral health hygiene and care, our teeth lose their strength and beauty. As we age, our teeth become yellow, stained, and they become lose and start to fall out. If you wish to keep your teeth strong and beautiful for a lifetime, you must do a few important things.

Every day wear and tear can take its toll on your teeth and can make them cracked or chipped. Even though teeth by their very nature are resistant to cracks and chips; it still happens. They are strong enough to withstand their mechanical function which involves chewing, biting down, and mashing up of food. In order to minimize wear and tear in your teeth, you must avoid biting on extremely hard food, as well as, ice. You must also avoid grinding and clenching your teeth as grinding and clenching can wear down the surface of your teeth, making them vulnerable to damage and decay. Here are some tips from acosmetic dentist in Arizona to keep your teeth strong and beautiful forever –

Prevent acid formation in your mouth

When you eat sugary and starchy food, you allow the bacteria present in your mouth to form acid. This acid eats away the tooth enamel and starts the process of tooth decay. To prevent this you must reduce the amount of sugary and starchy foods that you eat. Avoid carbonated drinks, cakes, chocolates, and candies. Frequent snacking should also be avoided as it increases your risk of acid erosion.

Avoid foods that cause staining

Over time our teeth become stained. They lose their original color and develop ugly stains and marks. To keep your teeth sparkling white, you may want to avoid drinking coffee, tea, and red wine as these items can stain your teeth badly. Tobacco also causes tooth discoloration and should therefore be avoided. Cosmetic dentistry in Arizona offers wonderful teeth whitening solutions. You must look for a reliable cosmetic dentist in Arizona to get your teeth professionally cleaned. A professional teeth whitening is able to remove most stains which results in beautiful smile.

Prevent gum disease

Gum disease poses a serious threat to your teeth. Gum disease causes bacterial infections that lead to inflammation and damage of the connective tissue and the bone. If left untreated, gum disease results in tooth loss. To prevent gum disease you must brush and floss regularly. Visit your dentist regularly. In case gum disease is detected and treated at an early stage the damage is not that severe and your teeth can be protected.

Avail cosmetic dentistry in Arizona treatments

Cosmetic dentistry is a boon for people who are not blessed with beautiful looking teeth but want them. There are a range of cosmetic dentistry treatments that help correct chipped or broken teeth, misaligned teeth, gaps in between the teeth, yellowed and stained teeth and other dental disorders. Cosmetic dentist in Arizona by virtue of improving the aesthetic appearance of teeth improve the smile of their patients. They allow their patients to enjoy a beautiful and radiant smile.

Keep the above things in mind and let your teeth remain beautiful and healthy for a lifetime.

How much would a dental implant cost?

You are frustrated with your ill-fitting dentures and you hate them all the more for the pain and discomfort that they cause you. You want to getdental implants to eat your favorite foods and to enjoy a natural and beautiful looking smile. But you are not too sure if you can afford dental implants. Find out the average cost of the implants.

A single dental implant can cost you anywhere between $1000 and $3000 +/-. This is due to the fact that there are several factors that affect the cost of dental implants.

The city or state where you live may determine the cost of the implants. If you consider the general cost of living and the available insurance (if any), the cost of dental implants would also be high.

The skill of the dentist, his personal experience, and qualification may also affect the cost of the implants. The price charged by an experienced, qualified, and renowned dentist for performing the dental implants procedure would obviously be more than what is being charged by a novice. Experienced dentists offer high quality services and for this they charge a good amount of money from their patients.

The type of dental implant used and its location also determines the cost of the treatment. If you need a single dental implant to replace your single missing teeth then the cost would be less than if you want dental implants to replace several missing teeth or a whole set of your natural teeth.

The state of your teeth and the healthof your gums also play a significant role in deciding the cost of the dental implant surgery. If you have sufficient volume of jaw bone, it would be easier for the Sun City dentist to place the implants and the treatment would be less expensive. But if you do not have the adequate amount of bone, additional procedures may be needed to place the implants, such as bone grafting. This will increase the overall cost of the treatment.

Don’t panic. A Dental implant treatment is affordable; more so than most other restorative dental treatments

Initially, a teeth implant procedure appears to be very expensive when compared to the traditional tooth replacement options. But in the long run, teeth implants prove to be highly cost effective. This is because dental implants do not require extensive repairs, maintenance, and replacement procedures to preserve the implants and to prevent additional tooth loss. If you get dentures or bridges, you may have to spend money to treat bone defects, replace the initial bridge, or treat your natural teeth that were cut down to fix the bridge. Dental implants would save you these additional expenses.

Then there are ways to save money on dental implant treatments. You can search online for the best rates for dental implants procedures. Asking friends and family can help you locate the best Sun City dentist, as well as, the best price for the implant surgery. There are many dentists who offer attractive financing options to patients who are interested in getting teeth implants. Look for one such dentist to find the dental implant plan that suits your needs and your budget.

Patients Color Their Way To A Natural Smile With Dental Implants in Glendale

This article discusses the aesthetics of dental implants, paying particular attention to choosing the color that best matches your natural teeth.

There are many factors involved in getting dental implants. Having been around for many years, dentistry specialists have researched and enhanced every aspect pertaining to replacement teeth. Because dental implants are a permanent tooth replacement solution that, with proper care, could last you a lifetime, Glendale dental implant specialists have placed a significant amount of focus on the aesthetics of the replacement teeth. Dental implants are made to look, function and feel nearly identical to your natural teeth, and here is how:

Dental Professional in Sun City

The Color Of The Crown

Each ceramic crown that is fitted to your implants is custom made to fit the size and color of the rest of your teeth in your smile. Your dentist may also give you the option to choose which color you would like. Although you might assume bright white to be the best choice, often it is not. “Over time teeth become stained, making them turn off-white or yellow,” says a dental implant specialist in Glendale.

“It is also important to note that your teeth are not all the same color. Your eyeteeth or incisors tend to be darker than the others, while the front teeth tend to be brightest. These are important factors to take into account when choosing the color of your implants. For the most natural results, we recommend that patients base their choice on the color of the teeth directly adjacent to the missing tooth. We do, of course, help out with the choice, making sure that patients benefit from the most natural and aesthetic outcomes.”

Choosing The Color

Natural teeth do not typically contain only one color; there are multiple colors in each individual tooth. Your dental professional in Sun City will usually show you a shade guide to help decide on the color. Typically the colors are grouped into four ranges: A (red-brown), B (red-yellow), C (gray), and D (red-gray). These ranges then come in varying degrees of lightness and darkness.

Working in accordance with your dental implant specialist in Glendale, you can decide on the color that best suits you.

It Is Not All In The Color

Glendale Dental Implant

It is not only the color of the implant that keeps it looking natural. Because Glendale residents get their dental implants custom made, texture is also taken into account. Although the surface of your tooth feels smooth in your mouth, there are in fact tiny ridges and scratches that texture the surface of your teeth.

By texturing the surface of the ceramic crown that is attached to the dental implant, Sun City residents’ replacement teeth look very similar to natural teeth. The textured surface breaks up the reflection of light on the porcelain ensuring that it blends in with the surrounding teeth.

What About The Shape?

Before creating your dental implants, a mold of your mouth is taken. This mold is sent to the laboratory where your ceramic crowns are made. The artificial tooth or teeth are crafted in accordance with your existing and surrounding teeth.

The dental implant specialist in Glendale really does have your best interests at heart, which is why there are so many aspects pertaining to your dental implants. Having taken all these aspects into account, you are ensured to have a smile that will not only last you a lifetime, but will have you wanting to smile as much as possible.