Brushing Your Teeth the Correct Way part 2

The average person does not brush their teeth to the full extent that they should. This article seeks to inform those people of the proper techniques for brushing.


Growing up children learn a hundred different ways to brush their teeth.  Everything from brushing hard three times a day to brushing for as long as your favorite song.  Most of the tricks we learned as children are wrong and some may cause more harm than good. Not brushing the right way has negative effects like teeth loss where you’ll need cosmetic dentistry in Arizona to correct your smile.

Length and Quantity

Most of us know that we should brush our teeth at least twice a day maybe a third time if they feel extra icky.  If you’ve been following this rule then you’re off to a good start.  The next thing to focus on is how long to brush.

Usually people exaggerate how long they bush their teeth or simply think it is longer than how long they truly do brush.  A minute suffices, but length is relative to how good of a job you’ve done.  It’s like writing a term paper without page requirements where they say to write until your point has been made.  Brush your teeth until you’re positive that everywhere got clean.

Cleaning System

This is where it gets challenging.  Everything from rotation, angles, and being thorough can affect whether the teeth are truly clean or not.  First this back and forth motion that almost everyone is use to, it isn’t useless but that isn’t the recommended way.

Those lovely motorized brushes have it right with the circular spinning.  The circular motion is what will lift the plague and buildup off your teeth and cover more areas at the same time.  Another thing to remember is to hold the brush at an angle as if to clean underneath the gums.

The gums is where a lot of the bacteria will build up and can cause gum disease if not properly cleaned.  This leads to bone deterioration and cause increase the need for dental implants in Glendale, AZ. Also using a rough toothbrush or applying too much pressure can irritate the gums which is just as bad for them.

Be Precise

Most doctors recommend brushing in an order so as not to forget a section of your mouth.  Start with one side and work your way over before cleaning your tongue or getting sidetracked. As Americans most people use a larger quantity of toothpaste then necessary. This won’t negatively affect your oral hygiene, but it’s wasteful and why not help out planet earth.

Bacteria Be Gone

One of the most common mistakes is changing out the brush or brush head often enough.  A lot of us are guilty of keeping a toothbrush around even though the gap between the two sides of the bristles is wider than the Grand Canyon.  That brush is not doing you any favors and has more bacteria built up on it than people realize.  It is recommended to change out every three months or so.

If all of this is too much to remember then investing in an electric toothbrush will cut out half of the brainpower. You won’t have to remember how hard to brush or the circular motion.  They allow you to just angle the brush and remember to clean everywhere.  Good luck keeping that mouth healthy and happy – you can also always consider Cosmetic Dentistry Arizona to further improve your smile.

Put the Glory Back in Your Grin With Dental Implants in Sun City

This article explains what a dental implant is, what the implant procedure entails and who is considered to be a viable candidate.

Happiness is something that most people strive towards throughout their lives. A smile can make a day go from torturous to blissful with a tiny glint of teeth. Unfortunately for some, flashing their teeth in a glowing grin is not a possibility and is a cause for distress rather than joy. Having missing teeth can be extremely traumatic, but with fabulous advancements in dental technology, you can get back the smile confidence you thought you lost with the help of dental implants.

What Is A Dental Implant?

A dental implant is a titanium screw that is placed in the jaw at the site of the missing tooth. After placement, a ceramic replacement tooth is attached to the implant. “Dental implants mimic the form and function of the natural tooth root,” says a dental implant specialist in Sun City, “allowing for optimum function of the jaw and teeth without affecting the teeth adjacent to the missing tooth.”

What Does The Implant Procedure Entail?

Cosmetic Dentistry Arizona

The dental implant procedure begins with an initial consultation with your cosmetic dentistry specialist in Arizona. This consultation is done to assess the state of your dental health, take X-rays and decide on an implant procedure best suited to your needs. After deciding on a treatment plan, an appointment is made for the implant procedure.

The next step sees the implants being placed in the jaw. This is a short and pain-free procedure. You will be put under mild sedation to ensure that the implants are placed with ease and that you are kept entirely comfortable. Once the implants are in place, the ceramic crown or fixed prosthetic bridge is attached to the implant/s.

In some cases, the new permanent teeth are fitted on the same day as the implants, but this depends on your specific treatment plan and the state of your dental health. Otherwise, you will receive a temporary tooth or set of teeth until your jawbone has healed adequately. Then you will receive your permanent teeth.

Will Your Implants Be Noticeable?

One of the many benefits of dental implants is that they are virtually indistinguishable from your natural teeth. Due to advancements in technology and innovations in cosmetic dentistry in Arizona, the artificial teeth are custom made in accordance with your natural teeth.

Dental Implant Specialist in Sun City

You get to decide on the exact color of the ceramic crown, and, just to make sure the results are very natural, a bit of texture is added to break up the light reflection on the tooth. Working side by side with your cosmetic dentistry specialist in Arizona ensures that no one will be able to tell the difference between your implant/s and your natural teeth.

Can Anyone Get Implants?

It is true that in some cases people do not qualify as viable candidates for dental implants. But with developments in cosmetic dentistry, it is now possible for almost anyone to be a viable candidate. There are many options when it comes to dental implants, and working closely with your dental implant specialist in Sun City it is highly likely that there is an implant solution for you. Imagine, with a few visits to your dentist you could share your happiness with the world in a perfect smile.

Four Steps to Perfect Teeth with Cosmetic Dentistry in Arizona

This article discusses the disadvantages of dentures, the advantages of dental implants and explains the four-step process involved in the dental implant procedure.

There comes a point in many people’s life when teeth become the cause for endless trouble and frustration. No matter how hard they fight to prevent it, they are inevitably left with missing and/or failing teeth. People’s initial response to missing teeth is often to acquire traditional removable dentures.

In the past, this would have been a perfectly viable option, but due to extensive research and technological advancements in cosmetic dentistry, Arizona dentists have discovered a better solution to your dental woes. The dental implant is a revolutionary procedure that solves the problems that have been associated with denture wearers.

Cosmetic Dentistry Arizona

Removable Dentures: A Thing of the Past

Although removable dentures replace your teeth, there are many disadvantages that come with this conventional strategy. When speaking to a dentist in Arizona about cosmetic dentistry, he highlighted a few ways in which dentures cause more problems than solutions:

1. Although dentures replace the crown of the missing tooth/teeth, they do not replace the root. This is a problem because the root of the tooth is essential in stimulating the jawbone. When the root is missing the bone begins to atrophy.

2. Atrophy of the jawbone causes the shape of the mouth to change, resulting in loose fitting dentures. The looseness and shifting of the dentures in your mouth often cause pain, discomfort and difficulty with chewing.

3. Dentures cause pressure to build up on the gums. This can result in mouth sores and irritated, inflamed gums.

Dental Implant Sun City

Dental Implants: A Look to the Future

A great alternative to traditional removable dentures is dental implants. The specialist in cosmetic dentistry in Arizona says that dental implants are the best possible solution when it comes to addressing missing teeth. There are a few different options regarding dental implants, which depend on the extent of tooth loss and the state of the patient’s oral health:

  • Single tooth replacement: If only one tooth is missing, a single implant is placed in the jawbone and a temporary crown attached via an abutment. Once this has healed, a permanent custom ceramic tooth is affixed to the abutment.
  • Multiple tooth replacement: This follows the same process as single tooth replacement, but places more dental implants in the jawbone.
  • All-On-Four: This implant option is preferable for patients who are missing most of their teeth. The specialist dentist removes all your old or failing teeth and places four implants in the jawbone. A set of non-removable teeth is then attached to the implants.

How Lengthy is This Process?

Generally speaking, the dental implant procedure in Sun City can be completed in four steps. Step one is the initial consultation where the dentist decides on the best option for your oral rehabilitation. Step two involves the placement of the implants. In step three, your ceramic tooth/teeth are attached to the implants. And step four is simply hygiene maintenance. In just three visits to your cosmetic dentistry specialist in Arizona you could walk away with a brand new set of non-removable teeth, making denture difficulties a thing of the past.

Dental Myths Busted by Dental Implants Specialists in Arizona, PART 2

This four-part article series sets about explaining and dispelling the many common myths and misconceptions surrounding oral health and hygiene and certain dental procedures.

Welcome back to our four-part article series in which we get dental implants specialists in Arizona to explain and bust the various myths and misconceptions surrounding oral health, hygiene and dental treatment. In our previous article post it was explained that placing a tablet of aspirin next to a tooth to relieve pain doesn’t work at all and, in fact, can actually cause acid burn to the soft tissues and tooth crown. It was also explained that bleeding gums are typically a result of infection, which, in turn, is caused by poor oral hygiene. For this reason, avoiding brushing and flossing only compounds the issue. In both cases of persistent toothache and bleeding gums, patients are urged to seek the advice of their dentist. Let’s continue looking at some more myths, shall we?

Cosmetic Dentistry Arizona

Myth # 3: Sugar causes cavities

The Facts: Before you get excited and resume your five-a-day soda habit, please note the following important distinction: sugar itself doesn’t cause cavities. Bacteria do. But, bacteria love sugar and the more you eat, the more favorable an environment for bacterial growth your mouth becomes.

“People who have a diet high in sugar tend to present with more cavities and tooth decay because it provides excellent fuel for bacterial growth,” explain dental implants specialists in Arizona. “These micro-organisms feed on the sugars left behind in your mouth after a meal and in turn produce wastes that are quite acidic. These wastes sit on your teeth and eat into the dental enamel, forming tiny holes, which widen with time to form cavities. Left untreated, cavities can provide bacteria with safe refuge from the roving bristles of your toothbrush and allow decay to progress to a point where it infiltrates the pulp chamber of the tooth. At this juncture, root canal therapy may be necessary or even tooth extraction.”

The Solution: Too much sugar is bad for you anyway, so try to limit your intake. If you do enjoy a sugary snack, treat or beverage, make sure you brush your teeth afterwards, or at the very least wash your mouth out with water. Chewing sugar-free gum is also great for your teeth.

Myth # 4: Osteoporosis only affects major bones in the body, such as your hips and spine. It doesn’t affect your teeth.

Dental Implants Arizona

The Facts: “Osteoporosis is a condition that affects the density of the bones, causing them to become brittle and fragile over time,” explain cosmetic dentistry specialists in Arizona. “It does not discriminate between the various bones in the body, so your jawbone is at just as much risk of becoming compromised if you suffer from this disease.”

The Solution: What this means for your teeth isn’t good news. Osteoporosis can cause tooth loss, so it’s vitally important that you follow the diet prescribed to you by your treating physician. The right nutrition may help you maintain proper bone support and prevent terrible problems like tooth loss.

Stay Tuned…

To read more dental myths and misconceptions join us next week for the third installment of this four-part article series, courtesy of dental implants specialists in Arizona.